Ballroom Dancing for Seniors
Join us for our fun and interactive Senior Dance Program! Ballroom Dancing is a great low impact activity that keeps your mind and body fresh while being social. According to the 2012 study at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York City "the only physical activity to offer protection against dementia was frequent dancing." So keep your mind sharp and dancing with us in our Spring and Fall sessions!
Spring Session: February 1st - April 26th, 2018
Thursdays 2:00-3:00
Instructed by Gloria Hylton and her famous Teaching Assistants
- $5.00 per class
- FREE for S1 members
Spring Prom: April 21, 2018
Fall Session: August - October 2018
Thursdays 2:00-3:00
- American Tango - August, 2018
- Jitterbug - September, 2018
- Foxtrot- October, 2018
Halloween Dance in October, 2018
- Doors open 6pm
- Photo Booth 6pm - 7pm
- Dance 7pm - 9pm
- $8 entry
No partner required
No experience needed